Common Symptoms of People Suffering From an Unresolved Mother Wound

Feeling small, insignificant, like I don’t matter
Incredibly lonely, even when partnered
Doubtful, lack confident decision-making
Perfectionism, overthinking
High achieving and/or self sabotaging
Numbed out, tuned out, distracted
Over committing, over scheduling, workaholism, exhausted
Resistance to rest
Anxious, and/or depressed, stressed
People pleasing, fixing others, rescuing others, issues with boundaries
A critical, judging, shaming inner voice
Finding connection with others difficult, longing for emotional intimacy
A sense of not fulfilling potential
Lack fulfillment, vitality, playfulness

People with trauma in their family lineage commonly experience disordered eating, unhealthy / abusive / addictive relationships (narcissist-empath relationship dynamics), autoimmune disease, gut issues, addiction, and ADD/ADHD.

Living from survival mode can be incredibly challenging as it brings forth a multitude of symptoms that affect our well-being. Unresolved childhood wounds leave lasting imprints on our emotional and mental states. A stressed nervous system becomes a constant companion, making it difficult to find peace and relaxation. False beliefs about ourselves and the world further perpetuate this state, hindering personal growth and self-empowerment. Unconscious patterns and coping strategies acquired in childhood carry over into adulthood, often leading to unhealthy relationships and patterns of behaviour. Addressing and healing these symptoms is a necessary journey towards empowerment and a more fulfilling life.

Do you have a difficult or absent mother? Are you confused how the relationship with your Mom has set the stage for the challenges in your adult life? Read about Understanding the Mother Wound here.